The disadvantage of this new capital system is that the proportion is low of ini-tial capital contribution of the shareholders, the term of whole capital payment is rather long, which is not propitious to business security especially on the background of insufficient credit system. 但该资本制度的缺点是股东首付的法定出资比例稍低,缴清全部出资的期限稍长,特别是在我国信用制度不健全的背景下,不利于交易安全。
For business with long tail or new business, when the payment data is insufficient, we can not get the payment patterns of the tail. 对于长尾业务或新开展的业务,当赔付资料记录不完整时,使用链梯法无法客观地得到尾部的赔付模式;
Thirdly, the reform has wakened the solvency of integrated account and widened the payment gap. There is always insufficient capacity to pay in the integrated account. 第三、改革削弱了养老保险账户的支付能力,扩大了支付缺口,养老保险账户始终存在着支付能力不足。
The third part details the shortcomings of our system of legislation and lack of practice, including unified payment standards, low benefit levels, insufficient funds, a narrow range of payment objects, the lack of the necessary oversight mechanisms. 第三部分详述了我国制度立法的缺陷和实践的不足,主要包括给付标准的不统一,给付水平偏低,给付资金不足,给付对象范围狭窄,缺少必要的监督机制等。
In recent years, due to the basic endowment insurance fund system design is not perfect, the proportion of payment is unreasonable and the substitution rate is too high and other problems, our country basic endowment insurance is facing the crisis of insufficient capacity to pay. 近年来,由于基本养老保险基金制度设计不完善、缴费比例设置不合理和替代率过高等问题的存在,致使我国基本养老保险面临支付能力不足的危机。